Here's the big idea...
A 100X LEADER is a 100% healthy leader who multiplies that mindset to those they lead. A leader that climbs their own Mount Everest every day and acts as a Sherpa to others at the same time. A 100X leader has become a leader worth following and builds leaders worth following.
The problem is...
You don’t become a 100X leader by accident. It’s hard and requires a deliberate process. Our 100X workshops guide you through that process. Leading yourself or others is a balance between the right amount of support and challenge. “Support means to provide the appropriate help others need to do their jobs well.” To equip them. Challenge “means to motivate people by holding them accountable to what they could do if they had the resources
Welcome to 100X Leader...
This program teaches you how to become a 100X Leader by showing you the mountain and then illuminating the way and providing the tools and equipment necessary to complete the climb. Climbing Mount Everest is dangerous and demanding, but without a Sherpa, it is virtually impossible. The 100X Leader is your Sherpa and teaches you to become a Sherpa for others. And as with the Sherpa, success is measured by not how many times they reach the top of Everest but by how many they have helped reach the summit.
100X Workshops + Sherpa Training
Workshop #1: Basecamp
Basecamp is where we take stock, establish a baseline for where we need to grow, and take a look at the journey ahead. It’s about getting clarity and getting familiar with the importance of self-awareness. Our aim is 100% health and the ability to multiply that health. This session is the first step on that journey. Let’s climb!
Learn what makes leaders worth following
Discuss 100X Leader journey/framework
Establish a baseline for your current leadership reality use several key tools
a Leader Worth Following

Workshop #2: 100X Leader Toolkit
True growth and leadership begins with Knowing Yourself to Lead Yourself. In this session, we will master the four most fundamental tools of development. We will focus on applying them daily to drive self-awareness, and then to apply that awareness to healthy, productive action.
Learn how to get to 100% healthy
Learn to Identify and Overcome your biggest obstacles to growth
Establish a Process for continued growth for the future

Become: Part 1
Become: Part 2
Leaders Worth Following
Workshop #3: Sherpa Mindset
The next step is learning to lead other performers while still performing at a high level yourself. This takes a different mindset, which we call a “Sherpa Mindset.” In this session, we’ll use new tools to help us understand those we lead, and use that knowledge to motivate and lead them well.
Explore the Sherpa Mindset
Benchmark your team’s current reality
Apply key tools used in the Sherpa Toolkit

Workshop #4: Multiplying Leaders
Key to being able to Build other leaders worth following is your ability to identify, develop, and transfer key skills from one person to another. This session will give you the tools to do just that. It will also help you become more intentional and strategic with your time investment in your people. This is how we start to multiply healthy culture.
Discuss 4 Multiplication Methodologies
Assess your Leadership on them
Apply key tools to intentionally transfer your skills, knowledge, and experience

Build: Part 1
Build: Part 2
Organizations Worth Following
Workshop #5: Team Performance
In this session, we will equip you with a simple but powerful framework for assessing team health and performance. Using new tools, we will help you initiate the important conversations and take action to consistently address unhealthy behavior while reinforcing a healthy, productive culture. This is how we Lead organizations worth following.
Discuss how Leaders Define Culture
Assess performance on 5 key metrics
Apply key tools to help you elevate performance in yourself and your team

Workshop #6: 100X Culture
In our final session, we will talk about how to establish organizational clarity to help everyone maximize performance and alignment. We will also talk about key coaching behaviors to cultivate and the most common culture issues to avoid.
Discuss Leading with Collaboration and Clarity to develop people and culture
Assess your leadership on Push/Pull behaviors and Organizational Clarity
Apply key tools to help you avoid the most common culture killers

Lead: Part 2
Lead: Part 1