Unlimited Access to Leadership Resources

With GiANT OS Pro you get access a huge leadership development library, plus powerful insights and features.
Assess the things that matter
Assessments uncover useful insights on how your people are doing. Track and measure their performance over time.
Access to basic and premium assessments
Facilitate an unlimited number of assessments
Advanced assessment results and reports
Train your leaders with Courses
On-demand courses help your people learn new leadership tools and apply them to their work in real time.
Access to basic and premium courses
Watch on-demand anywhere in the world
Track and measure course progress
Organize your people into Teams
Set objectives, facilitate assessments, and measure progress on a team by team basis.
Setup an unlimited number of teams
See team-based reports on assessments
Assign objectives for the entire team
Use Insights to inform your decisions
Generate reports based on assessments, course progress, and other activity. Use data to understand your people in a clear way.
Generate an unlimited number of reports
Use tags to organize your data
Export data to use where you need it
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Assessment Reporting
Basic Courses
Premium Courses
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Frequently Asked Questions
What is GiANT OS Pro?
GiANT OS Pro is an all-in-one subscription that gives you access to a huge repository of leadership resources. This includes assessments, online courses, leadership tools, and more. You can use it as an individual, but it's true power is revealed when using it with your team or entire organization.
What does it cost?
The Pro plan is $10.00 per month per user, or $100 per year per user if paid annually.
Who is GiANT OS Pro for?
Pro is designed to be used by individuals, teams, and entire organizations.
Assessments Included

5 Voices Assessment
You'll learn...
Understanding your Voice can help you better understand yourself and your own strengths, weaknesses, preferences, and values.
Make better decisions about your career, education, and relationships.
Communicate more effectively with others and build stronger relationships.
Overcome challenges and difficulties and find ways to cope with stress and difficult situations.
Develop a better understanding of other people and their personalities and improve your ability to interact and work with others.

Team Performance Assessment
You'll learn...
Identify areas for team improvement: Get an objective evaluation of your team's strengths and weaknesses, helping to identify areas where the team can improve.
Increase efficiency and productivity: By improving in the areas of Communication, Relationships, Alignment, Execution, and Capacity, teams can become more efficient and productive, enabling them to achieve their goals more effectively.
Strengthen relationships: Teams that perform well have strong relationships, fostering a positive and supportive team dynamic that helps members to work together effectively.
Improve decision-making: A high-performing team is better equipped to make informed and effective decisions, leading to better outcomes for the organization.
Measure progress over time: Use this assessment to schedule regular assessments on a consistent basis to track their progress over time and measure the impact of their improvement efforts.

Peace Index Assessment
You'll learn...
This assessment will help you identify your overall Peace Index percentage.
How fulfilled you are in your purpose right now.
How healthy your relationships are with those that matter most.
How financial provision is affecting your peace.
How personal health, including emotional, mental, and physical well-being, is impacting your peace level.
How your environment is increasing or decreasing your sense of peace and balance right now.
Courses Included

You'll learn...
Deepen your self-awareness. We’ll help you tap into what drives you and gives you the energy you need to bring your best every day while maintaining a healthy work-life balance.
Discover Your Leadership Voice. Learning to make the most of your strengths and how it benefits the team is crucial to maximizing your influence and productivity.
Lead with confidence and clarity. The Altitude process will equip you with the tools and practice you need to build your confidence and lead effectively no matter if you’re new in your role or you’ve been around a while and need a new spark.
Leverage proven leadership tools. Used by Fortune 500 companies around the world, learn a new tool in 30 minutes or less every week that addresses a different key leadership challenge so that you’re prepared and ready to take on anything that comes your way.
Resolve issues as they arise. Problem-solving and conflict resolution are crucial skills for any leader because drama, gossip, and misalignment can destroy a team.

Where Are You Now?
You'll learn...
Learn to evaluate and assess where you are in your leadership.
Learn to pinpoint any areas where you are not experiencing peace.
Learn to see how you're doing in your productivity and presence with the people in your life.

5 Gears Live
You'll learn...
Learn how to be appropriately productive.
Learn how to be present with those you love and lead.
Learn which Gear is most appropriate in which setting.

5 Voices Personal Development Plan
You'll learn...
Learn to develop each of the different 5 Voices
Learn the key barrier for each of the Voices
Learn how each Voice can thrive

Transitions Journey
You'll learn...
Learn the importance of developing a growth mindset.
Learn how to find your 70:30 and discover your strengths and live in them.
Learn to define your values, tell your story and liberate yourself.
Learn the art of bouncing back, even after failure.

Welcome to the Table
You'll learn...
Explore the power of healthy Feedback.
Learn how to manage conflict during the holidays.
Learn what liberating leadership looks like.
Explore the importance of gratitude.
Learn the difference between mentorship, sponsorship and apprenticeship.
Explore how the Pandemic affected various women.

5 Gears Masterclass
You'll learn...
Learn how to get into gear.
Learn each of the 5 Gears.
Discover your Gear order.
Learn to identify healthy and unhealthy Gears
Discover how to master your settings.

Discover Your Leadership Voice
You'll learn...
Get an overview of each of the 5 Voices and what makes each one unique.
See which Voices are present-oriented and future-oriented, and why it's important to hold space for both perspectives.
Identify what each Voice champions, and understand their strengths.
Learn the challenges and growth opportunities for each Voice.

5 Voices Weapon System
You'll learn...
How to prevent your weapon system from being used to create harm to others
Learn what triggers the weapon system of each voice under stress.
Why every Voice has a weapon system that gets triggered under stress
Recognize the warning signs of each Voice's weapon system

Taking Team Communication to the Next Level
You'll learn...
Learn how to create healthy cultures.
Learn how to communicate vision to those you lead.
Learn the 5 components of the Communication Code and when to appropriately use each one.

Leading for the First Time
You'll learn...
Learn what a 100X Leader is.
Learn to develop the mindset of a leader.
Learn to effectively use the Core tool to process your learning opportunities.

Leveling Up Your Emotional Intelligence
You'll learn...
Learn the aspects of what a healthy Emotional Intelligence is and assess where you're at.
Learn to raise your self-awareness and social awareness and how to manage yourself under pressure.
Learn how to become more Emotionally intelligence through ways of managing relationship stress.

You'll learn...
Learn to value the diversity within your organization.
Learn to fight for the highest possible good of everyone in your organization, not just people that look, act or think just like you.
Learn how to be intentional when it comes to diversity, equity and inclusion.

16 Personality Types
You'll learn...
Discover the unique differences in the Myers-Briggs 16 personality Types.
Walk through each of the Myers-Briggs 16 Personality Types
Get acquainted with the Myers-Briggs Personality Indicator.
Learn the super powers and kryptonite of each voice.

Team Performance Assessment
You'll learn...
Learn an inclusive leadership toolkit
Learn how to use a scalable inclusive coaching framework
Guided DEI conversations and tools that create bridges to various perspectives and at the pace the organization is ready for
How to build influence through DEI culture frameworks
How to engage your unconscious bias objectively and create psychological safety to invite others to show up and feel that they belong.

Leading Teenagers While Working From Home
You'll learn...
Learn the importance of becoming an intentional parent.
Learn how to set up an apprenticeship plan for your teen.
Learn how to teach your teen their leadership Voice order.
Learn how to transfer wisdom, knowledge and skills to your teen.

Leading in a Hybrid Work Environment
You'll learn...
Discover the Challenges of Leading in the Digital Age.
Discover how ingenuity plays a major part of the post-pandemic world.
Learn how to become more intentional and set clear expectations.
Learn how to prioritize in order to execute.
Discover how to have effective meetings.
Find out the best medium to use for effective communication.

Managing Stress
You'll learn...
Learn how different Voices manage stressful situations.
Learn the various triggers certain Voices have during stressful situations.
Get insights from a wide range of individuals within different roles.

The 100X Leader
You'll learn...
Receive an introduction to the Support Challenge Matrix tool to help you learn how to become 100% healthy to yourself.
There are 5 Circles of Influence. You will learn the secret to expanding influence to those you lead.
Self-Awareness is the key to personal growth. Learn how to lead yourself to a better reality.
Becoming a Sherpa is about getting others to the next level. Discover the Liberating Others tool to help you learn the skill.
Explore how Culture is Atmosphere and learn to create cultures that produce engagement.
Develop ways to live as a 100X Leader in every circle of influence.
Learn how to use the giantos.com for those you lead.
This course will give you a sense of what a 100X Leader is and why becoming one is important.
Discover how a Sherpa uses the Developing Others Tool to get others to higher levels.
Learn how to lead yourself.
Learn how to develop others

5 Voices Rules of Engagement
You'll learn...
Learn the specific rules of engagement for Guardians.
Learn the specific rules of engagement for Connectors.
Learn the specific rules of engagement for Pioneers.
Learn the purpose of the Rules of Engagement.
Learn the Rules of Engagement order.
Learn the power behind using the Rules of Engagement.

Increasing Your Influence
You'll learn...
Discover how a person wins or loses influence and why it matters.
Learn how the Nurturer Voice can increase their influence.
Learn how the Creative Voice can increase their influence.
Learn how the Guardian Voice can increase their influence.
Learn how the Connector Voice can increase their influence.
Learn how the Pioneer Voice can increase their influence.

Redefining Women's Liberation
You'll learn...
Discover how to start right where you are, no matter where that is.
Learn how to make changes from the inside.
Learn by looking in the mirror.
Explore where you need to call yourself up.
Learn what over protecting what you are afraid of losing can lead to.
Discover what it will take to become the Liberating Woman you want to be.
Learn about the various challenges women face.
Learn the definition of a liberating leader.
Learn what keeps us from being influential.

Communicating Vision and Leading Change
You'll learn...
Learn about the common feedback we hear to help the Pioneer, Creative and Connector Voices.
Learn about the common feedback we hear to help the Nurturer and Guardian Voices.
Learn how to communicate vision and lead change within each Voice Type.
Learn how to build the bridge for each Voice.
Learn the difference with Voices who are more future-oriented or present-oriented.

Managing Difficult Conversations
You'll learn...
Learn the importance of addressing difficult conversations in a healthy way.
Learn the importance of having an over-all attitude of fighting for the other person's highest good
Learn how to remove inhibitions, set realistic expectations and set context.

Making Couples Stronger While Working From Home
You'll learn...
Learn how to leave a legacy.
Learn to look at yourself and understand what it is like to be married to you.
Learn how to find the thermals in your marriage and how to help one another during times of stress.

The 5 Voices - 16 Interviews
You'll learn...
Learn from Leaders with different Voice orders.
Learn what each Voice order champions.
Learn the stressors and triggers of each Voice.
Learn the Super Powers of each Voice.

The 5 Voices - 16 Interviews
You'll learn...
Learn from Leaders with different Voice orders.
Learn what each Voice order champions.
Learn the stressors and triggers of each Voice.
Learn the Super Powers of each Voice.

GiANT Toolkit
You'll learn...
Define and learn how to use each of the 60+ tools in the GiANT toolkit
Learn how to identify and solve the most important challenges facing teams and leaders today
Understand how to apply the tools to set a standard of liberating leadership in your organization
Develop your self-awareness and learn how to apply it to grow yourself and improve your performance
Establish a common language for how to communicate and address conflicts in your organization

Peace Index Assessment
You'll learn...
The 5 part framework to assess your peace level at a given time.
Find out which area of life is pulling your peace levels down and create a plan to counter the negativity.
Establish a daily regimen to manage your emotions so that others don’t have to manage your emotions.
Help others increase their peace at work or at home.
Develop inner peace even if there doesn't seem to be any external peace.

Unreal Stories with Jeremie Kubicek
You'll learn...
Hear about the unexpected encounter with an African man while in Russia, and the friendship that stands to this day.
Listen and learn as Jeremie Kubicek recounts his personal connection with the 1995 Oklahoma City Murrah Bombing and the true leaders that emerged through tragedy.
Learn leadership insights as Jeremie recounts the Russian Coup story from when he lived in Moscow.
Discover the importance of kindness as Jeremie recounts a time on his family farm when his neighbors came to the rescue.
Learn how to become an intentional leader.
Learn how to take tragedy and turn it for good.
Learn leadership skills through various real life stories from Jeremie Kubicek and be inspired to look for liberating leaders in your world.

Leading People in the 21st Century
You'll learn...
Learn what healthy culture looks like and how to adapt.
Learn why leadership has changed in the digital age and the importance of growing with the changes.
Learn what mediums are the most effective in which situation.

The Art of Emotional Agility
You'll learn...
Learn healthy ways to deal with conflict.
Discover what a healthy, liberated emotional person is like.
Learn a new way to process your emotions.

Liberating Voices
You'll learn...
Learn what the Guardian Voice needs in order to be liberated.
Learn what the Connector Voice needs in order to be liberated.
Learn what the Pioneer Voice needs in order to be liberated.
Understand how to create an environment where everyone can bring their best.
Learn the framework for Voice liberation.
Learn how to liberate the Nurturer and Creative Voices.
Learn how to liberate the Guardian, Connector and Pioneer Voices.

Team Exercises
You'll learn...
Learn how the Leader Mirror tool can help maximize your team's performance.
Learn how the Provisional, Plan, or Promise tool can help maximize your team's performance.
Learn how the Discretion & Discipline tool can help maximize your team's performance.
Learn how the Power of the Medium tool can help maximize your team's performance.
Learn how the X-Factor tool can help maximize your team's performance.
Learn how the Go to the Source tool can help maximize your team's performance.
Learn how the 5 Gears tool can help maximize your team's performance.
Learn the importance of implementing Team Exercises.
Learn how to Use the Core Process to identify areas of growth and action points to improve.
Learn which medium is most appropriate to use when bringing challenge

Personality Insights
You'll learn...
Learn the insights for the sensor and intuitive.
Discover Personality Leaderships insights for Extroverts (E) and Introverts (I).
Discover Personality Leaderships insights for Sensors (S) and the Intuitive (N).
Discover Personality Leadership insights for Feelers (F) and Thinkers (T).
Discover Personality Leaderships insights for Perceivers (P) and Judgers (J).

Communication Code
You'll learn...
Observe a question and answer session with Steve Cockram, the "Personality Yoda" himself.
Learn what the Communication Code is.
Learn to both give and receive communication effectively.
Learn the appropriate times for giving certain types of communication

Leading Kids While Working From Home
You'll learn...
Understand the challenges of working from home.
Learn how to adapt your parenting style to be effective while working from home.
Identify and work through blurred boundaries when work, life, and parenting collide.
Discover new ways to connect with your child.

How to Become a More Self-Aware Leader
You'll learn...
Learn the importance of becoming a self-aware leader.
Learn how to be a responsive leader.
Learn how to process through your self-awareness.

The 5 Voices and Parenting
You'll learn...
Learn practical tips when it comes to loving teens according to their unique personalities.
Learn how to determine your kids' personality types.
Learn what really drives and delights your child.
Discover through your child's eyes what it's like to be parented by you.

Discover Your True Personality
You'll learn...
Understand the differences and details of Extroversion vs. Introversion
Understand the differences and details of Sensing vs. Intuition
Understand the differences and details of Thinking vs. Feeling
Understand the difference and details of Judging vs. Perceiving
Discover how to use giantos.com to learn more about your personality
Learn the different components that make up your personality.
Learn the dimensions of personality.
Learn the four different traits of personalities.

Voice Order Collection
You'll learn...
Discover your unique communication style and deepen your self-awareness with these Voice Order courses based on each combination of the 5 Voices.
...and more courses added regularly!
GiANT OS Pro can be purchased for one user or for your entire team or organization. It's easy to start and easy to add individuals whenever you are ready to share the learning. Advanced team functions allow you to assign and track learning assignments, organize teams to quickly review results, and much more.
Get started today for free or upgrade to Pro for only $10 per use per month. Cancel anytime.
New subscribers will receive a free onboarding consultation to review your learning objectives and teach you how to access and maximize the value of the online learning portal.
Giant OS Pro is cheaper than Netflix and much better for your personal health and foundational to building healthy relationships at work and at home.
Got questions? Schedule a free chat to learn more about GiANT OS Pro.