Leading with Heart 360 Assessment

Why Heart Matters
Companies have become more matrixed, global, complex, diverse and technologically advanced. The 'command and control’ type of leadership is unsustainable except during a crisis. Leaders must motivate others through influence, not the power of their position. Leaders who have not figured out how to drive results using a heart-based approach are failing and their organizations are suffering as a result.
The Benefits of 360 Degree Feedback
The Leading With Heart 360TM (LwH-360TM) is based on the five tenets of Leading with Heart, which itself is based on decades of experience helping leaders across the globe become more heart-based or accelerate their organizations to become more heart-based.
Academics and practitioners alike have examined empathy, humility, and other leadership traits, but there has not been a way to identify and measure a more overarching model of “Leading with Heart”, despite the fact that this concept of leading with heart is now very much in the mainstream media, academic journals, and conversations among HR professionals and leaders.
The demand for organizations to become more diverse, equitable, and
inclusive is further accelerating this demand. Employees and customers have shifted from wanting to demanding
heart-based leadership from the companies for which they work and purchase goods and services.
Leading With Heart 360TM (LwH-360TM) is based on both new research and the earlier foundational research that put emotional intelligence on the map. Specifically, this assessment was developed based on research across the following areas: leading with purpose, empathy, engagement, understanding and humility. In addition to existing research and surveys, statements were created based on definitions of the 5 tenets of the LwH Model – for example, “What does it mean to be empathetic? Humble?” The questions provide a broad-enough overview of the five tenets without
being cumbersome for the rater.
Without Heart-Based Leadership, employees are more likely to:
Lack loyalty, do the minimum, and resist change
Lack creativity or an innovative mindset
Exhibit CYA behavior versus focused on what’s best for the organization
Demonstrate increases in interpersonal conflict
Show poor decision-quality and problem-solving ability
Isolate, reduce collaboration and cooperation
Increase their number of HR complaints

Leaders who are Purposeful hold others accountable for their performance and/or adherence to the company's values. When making decisions, they tend to consider the impact on others. They are thoughtful with their speech and actions. During presentations, they tend to begin by stating its importance and connection to the bigger picture. They regularly refer to the company's mission, priorities and/or values. They are primarily motivated by the impact the work can have on customers.
Engaged leaders tend to ask others in their organization how they are, about their work, and whether they have the materials and equipment needed to do their job correctly. They regularly speak with and seek out the opinions of others. Encouraging the development of others is one of their trademarks. Reaching out to customers and reviewing engagement surveys are ingrained habits of an Engaged leader.
When problems arise, a leader who is Understanding can usually see them from various perspectives. They show good judgment in decision-making. They are aware of the competitive landscape and recent industry trends. They assign tasks based on an appreciation of what it will take to complete and the impact it will have on others. This type of leader is understanding and appreciative of the work of others across the organization.
Appreciating others' thoughts and feelings is the hallmark of a leader who is Empathetic. The ability to understand others by putting themselves in their shoes comes fairly easy. Imagining how things look from others' perspectives is something an Empathetic leader makes an effort to do. They attempt to look at everyone's side of the disagreement before making a decision. They are considered friendly, warm and thoughtful in relationships, and others might describe empathetic leaders as having big hearts.
Humble leaders are not arrogant know-it-alls. They admit when they are wrong and seek to improve. These types of leaders would never speak or act as if they were the center of the universe, and they regularly put the needs of the organization and the employees above their own. When speaking with others, it's not in their nature to speak only about themselves. A leader who is Humble is quick to share control and recognition on projects.

Follow Link
Participants will receive a link to an online platform where they and their raters will complete the assessment.
Take The Survey
The assessment provides a section for comments and a development guide. The entire assessment should take approximately 10 - 15 minutes to complete.
Receive Responses
After participants answer all questions and click the submit button, they will receive a pop up notification that their answers have been submitted successfully.
Review Results
Participants will receive a feedback report of their results which they can review with their coach or business partner. This information can be used to better understand strengths in regard to Leading with Heart and address opportunities for growth and development through executive coaching or other support services.
81 - 100
61 - 80
41 - 60
20 - 40
Leaders who score High are self-aware, see employees' humanity, and treat everyone respectfully. They value others' perspectives, readily admit mistakes, and seek to improve. Decisions are made using sound judgment, taking into consideration the business landscape and impact on employees. Their actions are thoughtful and they genuinely care about the feelings of others. They are inspiring and tend to be role models. Executive assessment and coaching for High scorers should be designed to leverage their natural strengths to accelerate their success.
Leaders who score Average are just getting by in their ability to manage others. They are mostly self-aware but have blind spots that impact their effectiveness. Decisions are designed to best serve the company but sometimes fail to foresee unintended consequences. Average scorers tend to get along best with people who have similar communication and behavioral styles but may struggle with people who are different than themselves. Executive assessment and coaching for Average scorers should include 360 feedback and a development plan to mitigate potential derailers and close competency gaps.
Slightly Below Average
Leaders scoring Slightly Below Average tend to overly rely on their technical and problem-solving abilities and may be early in their career as managers. They tend to have difficulty delegating and are more likely to see others' incompetence rather than identifying and leveraging their strengths. They tend to view success based on their personal accomplishments rather than fully appreciating that success, in part, comes from their ability to motivate, develop, and inspire others. They tend to avoid difficult conversations. Leaders in this category are likely to fail over time unless they begin to change behavior. Training, additional assessment, and coaching are highly recommended.
Very Low
Leaders scoring Very Low tend to be seen as unapproachable and may have a reputation for arrogance. They are poor at developing long-term work relationships and, instead, tend to be transactional in their dealings with others. They tend to make decisions based primarily on self-serving needs rather than those of the organization and others. Leaders in this category likely have HR complaints in their work history and may currently be on a performance improvement plan. Other interventions may first be necessary before a coaching engagement is likely to be successful.
Leading with Heart 360
750$Includes Assessment & Coaching DebriefValid for 3 months